LEGO Mighty Micros, 2017 range

LEGO's Mighty Micro range, which includes DC and Marvel superheroes and villains facing off against each other in tiny vehicles, will be expanding in 2017. The original series featured many favourite Comic-Book heroes and their enemies, including Batman, Captain America, Spider-Man and the Hulk. The upcoming range features a few new models and some twists on existing LEGO heroes.
DC Comics
The DC Range features Batman v. Killer Moth, Wonder Woman v. Doomsday and Batman v. Bizarro.

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics range of Mighty Micros offers Wolverine v. Magneto, Spider-man v. Scorpion and Iron Man v. Thanos.

Both ranges are pretty cute, and while not all fans will like the set-up (and the tiny legs), a quick leg-swap means most of these figures will fit into a more serious LEGO line-up. (I'm not sure how serious LEGO can get really).
 More significantly, several of these sets feature characters who are new to LEGO, hard-to-get, or cool variants. This is Doomsday's first LEGO appearance. Bizarro is also new to LEGO. Despite being an equally iconic villain, Thanos has only appeared in one set, the  Avenjet Space Mission (US link, UK). Magneto has appeared in two sets, Wolverine's Chopper Showdown and X-men Vs. the Sentinel (US link, UK). Both of those sets also feature Wolverine. While Iron Man has obviously appeared in numerous LEGO sets, this is the first appearance of his classical, clunkier armour.

This range of LEGO Mighty Micros is due to launch in January 2017. Until then, why not check out the existing range of Micros, which feature superfluous little car things, short legs and crazed facial expressions?

They're on the LEGO store, here for Americans and here for the UK, as well as here and here.

(info via Brickset and Hollywood Reporter)

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